the gospel according to james

  • 91st Psalms He that dwelleth in the secret place of the
    most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
  • Source The Bible
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The Bible is historically sound. However, it has been researched, written and alleged that there are many destroyed books, or books that were not included or not totally true or accurate.Despite which, we who know what we know that we know, believe that we serve a universal God. A God who is omnipotent, omnipresent and all knowing.

We should ask God questions. Because he made us and he knows everything, he can answer anything. He is the source as well as the resource. How do you ask? Seek his face! Speak to Him in prayer, day and night. He is here and now and always there. His love has not and will not run out.

When things are falling apart and in the midst of despair stick with God. We alone can do nothing. We are lost without Him. He is always present; God is all and in all. God has got us (me)! The church is in denial and in mourning about a funeral that is taking place that we are not willing to admit. The church is experiencing a slow decay. In spite of all that goes on we are still here, still alive, present and serving despite all the craziness. God forewarned us that in the last and evil days this falling away from the church would happen therefore, it is no surprise to him. Read the watchman on the wall. We are all watchman; we should watch and pray. (Ezekiel 33:38-39)

We cannot succumb to the meanness and unfairness that we have been experiencing, we must stay on the wall, doing the work of our Lord and Savior. “We are in the world but not of it.” (John 8:23) Satan is the master of deception. We spend far too much time chasing him. People have a long-term contract with the deceiver, mainly because they are sightless, blind and do not know the Lord.