project under development

mother's day anthems

This CD is dedicated to women and mothers all over the world. It is developed to celebrate the beauty and strength of women and to pay homage to hidden mothers those women who mother without having given physical birth and women unsung, unappreciated whose contributions and attributes are often ignored. These are not just women but sacred vessels. I’m not trying to put women on a pedestal that they do not deserve to be put on, but a man is not a man without a woman. Thanks for your imperfect love.

As I grow older in wisdom and truth I have a different perspective and appreciation for mothers and women in general.

Black women are considered the most beautiful women on the planet for thousands of years by all civilized people of the world. The Greeks thought so much of their beauty that they named two Star Constellations after them, Andromeda (Princess of Ethiopia) and Cassiopeia (Queen of Ethiopia). They cannot be defined or put in a nice neat little box. There is too much energy, resilience and determination. This project is for all women or ladies that are moms, school teachers, women in leadership of some kind, Helpmates, childbearers, backbone, glue, counselor. They vary in size, shape and yes, even color, but should never forget or underestimate the power of their presence.

They give so much. They sacrifice. They shine at the and through the darkest times. They smile when they are hurting, they laugh in their pain. They encourage, they soothe, they listen. They love and love and love. Just because you went through 400 years of horror where you were called ugly. Don’t believe the hype. You are imitated but never duplicated.

So I am opposed to the commercialization and exploitation of our love for mothers. Don’t let businessmen tell you when to celebrate your mother. Great, have that day of recognition, but don’t let it be the only day you celebrate the one who nourished and encouraged you to become who you are today, whether it was a biological mom, an aunt, a sister, cousin or friend. Mother’s Day should not be for one day but for the entire year, no, not a year or any defined expanse of time, but for a lifetime. God tells us to “honor thy mother and father”, which means whatever the condition of your mother may have been or currently is you are not her judge and should honor and respect her everyday that you are blessed to be alive. She brought you here. Cherish her! She should be valued and is scared in the eyes of God.

Ladies we are here to celebrate the beauty and strength of women. Thank you for your imperfect love.

project details
  • Project Mother's Day Anthems
  • date 05.04.2019
  • cover design by direct effect
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