Songwriter, producer, actor, bandleader, and vocalist, James Hudson has successfully worked every angle of the music industry over the past two decades. Hudson is now simultaneously launching his solo gospel-recording career and an independent production company, with a full complement of gospel recording artists and musicians.
Hudson began his music career in the early 70’s as a writer and producer of music and narration for a series of short documentaries that were aired on CBS and NBC.
‘The Easter Story’ received much acclaim, including its presentation on ‘A Lamp Unto My Feet’ on CBS and under its own title in later years on NBC, as well as a follow-up story in Reader’s Digest.
Hudson’s new solo career will feature some of the most innovative ‘gospel’ and ‘cross over’ music, with a sweet blend of Jazz, R&B, and melodious gospel sounds. For his first release, Hudson has written and collaborated on most of the lyrics. Hudson, being the first off the block of his own production company, Hudson Productions, will be featuring a cadre of artists including a jazz/gospel guitarist; a mass choir of 250 voices; and other undiscovered talent, including a few surprise R&B artists gone gospel. Hudson credits his ‘shepherd’ for the inspiration of lyrics for his beautifully defined music.
‘Music is one of the gifts from God with the ability to transcend race, nationality, sex and political and religious persuasion. James Hudson is a man who has been blessed with the God Given Gift of ministering to people via his inspiring, heart touching musical talents. The true beauty of his musical talent is in the evangelical eclecticism of his music. Every listener will find something for them in listening to his music. That something will take an individual from feeling like nothing to feeling like they’re something in God’s Kingdom

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